Sports Rehabilitation

Experiencing a sports injury can really put a damper on your game. It's important that you get treatment for any sports injury as soon as possible. Visiting our chiropractor at Slone Chiropractic in Salyersville, KY, will allow your body to start the healing process almost immediately. Chiropractors use a variety of treatment options to re-establish balance within the body and reduce stress on injured areas. By including physical therapy and deep tissue massage, we can improve circulation and provide the body with what it needs to regain its strength and heal properly.


Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are used to allow displaced bones and tissues to return to their natural position. During an injury, inflammation and other types of damage can force bones and tissues out of their original position. The longer they stay out of place, the more painful your injury will become. Inflammation can prevent the injured area from getting the oxygenated blood it needs to start healing.

When a chiropractor first evaluates your injury, he will formulate a treatment plan that best addresses your injury. Some injuries are more severe than others and will require more time to heal. Minor injuries may respond quite well to chiropractic adjustments and deep tissue massage, while others may need extensive physical therapy as well. 

Physical Therapy and After Care

During the initial stages of healing, your chiropractor may limit your treatment to chiropractic adjustments and deep tissue massage. Once the area has started healing and the inflammation has been reduced, physical therapy will begin. By adding specific exercises that target the injured area, you will begin to increase the strength of that area, preventing further injury in the future.

The stronger you become, the more range of motion and flexibility you will experience. During your recovery from a sports injury, the more physical therapy you complete, the better you will heal. Increasing your strength gradually prevents excessive amounts of scar tissue and will actually speed up the healing process.

Visit Slone Chiropractic in Salyersville Today!

Residents who live in Salyersville, KY, and many of the surrounding communities can turn to our chiropractor and staff for all of their chiropractic needs. We specialize in the treatment of various types of sports injuries and can help you get back on the field in a short period of time. Call and schedule your appointment right away if you have a sports injury that needs to be evaluated! Give us a call today at (606) 349-2225.

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